camilla skov


“those who dare may receive” // camilla skov 

21.06 - 19.07.2024

grand opening 2.0” // group exhibition

02.02 - 01.03.2024

art fairs

2024 art herning, herning, dk

2023 enter art fair, copenhagen, dk

2023 swab barcelona art fair, barcelona, es

camilla skov's ceramic sculptures consist of bold colors, raw elements, and suggestive motifs, which challenge our perception and reception - both on an aesthetic and societal level.

her works possess a distinct wildness and rawness. a wildness that makes you think of uncontrolled and untamed nature. likewise, skov's art can't be tamed or put in one box - which is precisely the message.

think about it, why is the human being in constant need of categorizations? and how can objects create different associations regarding gender, culture, and social class? these questions are part of skov's artistic practice and catalyze a comprehensive investigation of existential questions. therefore, the relationship between work and viewer becomes essential, so the artist's works invite the viewer into a challenging and explorative space. a space where symbols are twisted and send the individual into a delirium of interpretation.